Human Origins and Humanity’s Future: Past, Present and Future of the Anthropocene: A CARTA symposium March 5th 2022

Published on : February 24, 2022

By : David Western

My talk, “We Alone. How Humans Have Conquered the Planet and Can Also Save It” is the title of a book I published a year ago exploring where the bizarre urge to conserve other species came from, and how we can rally global collaboration to save the planet.

I want to start by dispelling the view that conservation is a modern invention of the West. I will show instead that conservation is a truly ancient and universal feature of all societies which learned to live within ecosystem limits. These universal lessons offer hope for living within planetary limits too.

So, how does conservation feature in our rise to global conquest? What evolutionary quirks made us so super-dominant? And how can we redirect those skills to save our planet? 

Click here for more information.