- 1967 Thermoregulation in Lizards of the Middle East Deserts and the Sahara. B.Sc. (Hons.) thesis, Leicester. 66p.
- 1969 Landuse in Maasai Amboseli Game Reserve. A case study for Interdisciplinary Co-operation. Institute for Development Studies Research Publication, No. 40. University of Nairobi. 13 pp.
- 1972 Western, D. and Sindiyo, D.M. The Status of the Amboseli Rhino Population. East African Wildlife Journal 10 (1) :4357.
- 1972 Pennycuick, C.J. and Western, D. An Investigation of some Sources of Bias in Aerial Transect Sampling of Large Mammal Populations. East African Wildlife Journal 10 (3): 175191.
- 1973 Western D. and Thresher, P. Development Plans for Amboseli. Mainly the Wildlife Viewing Activity in the Ecosystem. UNDP FAO. Nairobi, Kenya.100pp.
- 1973 Western, D. and Praet van, C. Cyclical Changes in the Habitat and Climate of an East African Ecosystem. Nature 241, 104106.
- 1973 The Structure, Dynamics and Changes of the Amboseli Ecosystem. Ph.D. thesis, University of Nairobi. 385 pp.
- 1974. The distribution, density and biomass density of lizards in a semi-arid environment of northern Kenya. East African Wildlife Journal 12 (1): 49-62.
- 1975 Water availability and its influence on the structure and dynamics of a large mammal community. East African Wildlife Journal 13: 265-286.
- 1976 The Distribution of Animals in Relation to Resources. Handbook of African Wildlife Ecology. African Wildlife Foundation, Nairobi. 45 pp.
- 1976 An Aerial Method of Monitoring Large Mammals and their Environment. UNDP/FAO Project Working Document No. 9, Nairobi, Kenya. 38pp.
- 1977 The Environment of pastoralists. In: The Range Areas of Kenya and the Impact of Man and Animals on the Ecosystem. Proceedings of the Animal Production Society of Kenya: 3543.
- 1977 Western, D. and Croze, H. Monitoring rangeland resources in Kenya. Proceedings of the Conference on International Environmental Monitoring, Rockefeller Foundation, N.Y. 6472.
- 1977 Finch, V. and Western, D. Cattle Colours in Pastoral Herds: Natural Selection or Social Preference? Ecology, 58: 13841392.
- 1978 Beherensmeyer, K., Western, D. and Dechant, D. New perspectives in vertebrate paleoecology from a recent bone assemblage. Paleobiology 5 (1): 1221.
- 1979 Western, D. and Dunne, T. Environmental aspects of settlement site decisions among Pastoral Maasai. Human Ecology 7 (1): 7598.
- 1979 Energy. Report prepared for the Conference on Agricultural Production: Research and Development for the Rockefeller Foundation. Bonn. 77 pp. (Contributor on Energy Panel).
- 1979 Western, D. and Henry, W. Economics and Conservation in Third World National Parks BioScience 29 (7): 414418.
- 1979 Size, Life History and Ecology in Mammals. African Journal of Ecology 17 (4): 184205.
- 1979 Western, D. and Grimsdell, J.J.R. Measuring the Distribution of Animals in Relation to their Environment. A Handbook of African Ecology. African Wildlife Foundation, Nairobi 64 pp.
- 1980 Western, D. and Ssemakula, J. The present and future patterns of consumption and production of wood energy in Kenya. In Energy and Environment in East Africa pp 360383. Energy Report Series. United Nations Environment Program, Nairobi.
- 1980 Linking the ecology of past and present mammal communities. In Fossils in the Making: Vertebrate Taphonomy and Paleoecology. Ed. A.K. Behrensmeyer and A.P. Hill. University of Chicago Press. 4145.
- 1981 Western, D. and Ssemakula, J. The future of savanna ecosystems: ecological islands or faunal enclaves? African Journal of Ecology 19 (1/2): 719.
- 1981 Western, D. and Ssemakula, J. A survey of the natural wood supplies in Kenya and an assessment of the ecological impact of its use. Report to the Beijer Institute and Ministry of Energy, Kenya. 60pp
- 1982 The environment and ecology of pastoralists in arid savannas. Development and Change 13:183211.
- 1982 The patterns of depletion in a Kenya rhino population and the conservation implications. Biological Conservation 24: 147156.
- 1982 Strum, S.C. and Western, D. Variations in fecundity with age and environment in a baboon population. American Journal of Primatology 3: 6176.
- 1982 Western, D. and Ssemakula, J. Life history patterns in birds and mammals and their evolutionary interpretation. Oecologia 54: 281290.
- 1982 Amboseli National Park: enlisting landowners to conserve. Ambio 11 (5): 302308.
- 1983 Western, D. and Strum, S.C. Sex, kinship and the evolution of social manipulation. Ethology and Sociobiology 4:1928.
- 1983 Production, reproduction and size in Mammals. Oecologia 59: 269271.
- 1983 Western, D., Georgiadis, N. and Moss, C. Age estimation and population structure of elephants from footprint dimensions. Journal of Wildlife Management 47: 11921196.
- 1983 The status of elephants and rhinos. Pachyderm 1: 34.
- 1983 Elephant and rhino surveys. Pachyderm 2: 35.
- 1983 Pilgram, T. and Western, D. Tusk measurements provide insight into elephant population dynamics. Pachyderm 2: 1617.
- 1983. A Wildlife Guide and a Natural History of Amboseli. General Printers, Nairobi.
- 1983. The origins and development of conservation in East Africa. Marc Belkin Memorial Lecture. University of California, San Diego.
1984 Conservationbased Rural Development. In Sustaining Tomorrow’s World. A Strategy for World Conservation and Development. Edited F.R. Thibodeau and H.H. Field, University Press of New England, London. 94108. - 1984 Amboseli National Park: Human values and the conservation of savanna ecosystems. In National Parks, Conservation and Development. Edited J.A. McNeely and K.R. Miller. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C. 93100.
- 1984 Western, D. and Lindsay, K. Seasonality, migration and herd dynamics in a savanna elephant population. African Journal of Ecology, 22 (4): 229244.
- 1984 HumptyDumpty and the rhinos. Pachyderm 3: 45.
- 1984 Pilgram, T. and Western, D. Elephant hunting patterns. Pachyderm 3: 1213.
- 1984 A look at elephant and rhino problems and progress. Pachyderm 4: 34.
- 1984 Western, D. and Vigne, L. The status of rhinos in Africa. Pachyderm 4: 56.
- 1984 Pilgram, T. and Western, D. Managing African elephants for ivory production. Pachyderm 4: 911.
- 1985 The Last Stand: The Status of Africa’s Black Rhino. Discover 6 (10): 102109.
- 1985 Western, D. and Vigne, L. The deteriorating status of African rhinos. Oryx X1X: 215220.
- 1986 Contributor. The IUCN Sahel Report. A longterm strategy for environmental rehabilitation. IUCN, NORAD, UNEP. 80 pp.
- 1986 The role of captive populations in global conservation. In Primates: The Road to SelfSustaining Populations, Ed. K. Benirschke, Proceedings in Life Sciences, Springer Verlag.
- 1986 Primate conservation in the broader realm. In Primate Ecology and Conservation, Ed., J. Else and P. Lee, Cambridge University Press.
- 1986 Western, D. and Finch, V.A. Drought, cattle and pastoralism: strategies of survival and production in arid lands. Human Ecology 14 (1): 7794.
- 1986 Pilgram, T. and Western, D. Inferring hunting patterns on African elephants from tusks in the international ivory trade. Journal of Applied Ecology, 23: 503514.
- 1986 Pilgram, T. and Western, D. Managing African elephant from tusks in the international ivory trade. Journal of Applied Ecology, 23: 519529.
- 1986 An African odyssey to save the elephant. Discover, 7 (10): 5670.
- 1986 Tourist capacity in East African parks. Industry and Environment, 9 (1): 1416.
- 1986 Pilgram, T. and Western, D. Inferring the sex and age of African elephants from tusk measurements. Biological Conservation 36: 3952.
- 1986 The pygmy elephant: A myth and a mystery. Pachyderm 7: 46.
- 1987 Africa’s Elephants and Rhinos: Flagships in Crisis. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 2 (11): 343346.
- 1988 Henry, W. and Western, D. Tourism and conservation in Kenya’s national parks: Planning for a better partnership. In E.E. Krumpe and P.D. Weingart, eds. Management of Parks and Wilderness Reserves. Wilderness Research Center, Moscow, Idaho
- 1989 Conservation for the Twentyfirst Century. Edited David Western and Mary Pearl. Oxford University Press, New York.
- 1989 Putting elephant and rhino conservation plans into action. Pachyderm, 11.
- 1989 Western, D. and Cobb, S. The Ivory Trade Review. Pachyderm, 11.
- 1989 The undetected trade in rhino horn. Pachyderm, 11.
- 1989 The ecological role of elephants. In The Ivory Trade and the Future of the African Elephant. A report of the Ivory Trade Review Group, WCI, IUCN, WWF, Oxford, U.K.
- 1989 The ecological role of elephants in Africa. Pachyderm, 12. 42-45.
- 1989 Georgiadis, N.J., Ruess, R.W., McNaughton, S.J. and Western, D. Ecological conditions that determine when grazing stimulates gross production. Oecologia, 81: 316322.
- 1990 Ashley, M.V. Melnick, D.J. and Western, D. Conservation genetics of the black rhino (Diceros bicornis): Evidence from the mitochondrial DNA of three populations. Conservation Biology 4 (1): 7177.
- 1990 Georgiadis, N. and Western, D. DNA and the ivory trade. How genetics can help conserve elephants. Pachyderm 13: 4547.
- 1990 Is the tide turning for elephants and rhinos? Pachyderm 13: 24.
- 1991 Biology and conservation: making the relevant connection. Conservation Biology 5 (4): 431433.
- 1991 Climatic change and biodiversity. In A Change in the Weather: African Perspectives on Climatic Change. Ed. S.H. Ominde and C. Juma. Acts Press. Nairobi.
- 1992 The biodiversity crisis: a challenge for biology. Oikos 63: 2938.
- 1992 Planning and management for optimal visitor capacity. Ed. C. G. Gakahu. Tourist Attitudes and Use Impacts in Maasai Mara National Reserve. English Press. Nairobi.
- 1993 Western, D and Gichohi, H. An ecological monitoring program for Kenya’s protected areas. Kenya Wildlife Service. Nairobi. 39pp.
- 1993 Western, D. Wright, M. and Strum, S.C. Editors. Natural Connections: Perspectives in Community-based Conservation. Island Press, Washington DC.
- 1994 Western, D. and Gichohi, H. Segregation effects and the impoverishment of savanna parks: the case for an ecosystem viability analysis. African Journal of Ecology 31 (4): 269-281.
- 1994 Georgiadis, N., Bishof, L. Templeton, A. Patton, J., Karesh. W. and Western, D. Structure and history of African elephant populations 1. Eastern and Southern Africa. Journal of Heredity 85:100-104.
- 1996 Preface: East African Ecosystems and their Conservation. Ed. T.R. McClanahan and T.P. Young. Oxford University Press.
- 1997 National Parks of Kenya: The Beginning. 50 Years of Challenge and Achievement. Kenya Wildlife Service. Nairobi.
- 1997 Kenya Wildlife Policy. Kenya Wildlife Service, Nairobi. 29pp.
- 1997 In the Dust of Kilimanjaro. Shearwater Press.
- 1998 Mwangi, E.M. and Western, D. Fluctuations in food supply in an insularized ecosystem in Kenya. African Journal of Ecology 36: 207-212
- 1998 Mwangi, E.M. and Western, D. Habitat selection by large herbivores in Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya. Biodiversity and Conservation. 7: 1-8
- 1998 Conservation in East Africa. Challenges of the 21st Century. In Reporting and Researching Africa. Ed. K. King and S. McGarth 193-205. Centre of African Studies. University of Edinburgh.
- 1999 Biodiversity as a form of land use. Environment and Development Economics. 233-236.
- 2000 Kenya Wildlife Service: A Study in Institutional Change. Pricewaterhouse Cooper, Nairobi.
- 2000 Conservation in a human-dominated world. Issues in Science and Technology, National Academy of Sciences, XVI (3): 53-60.
- 2000 Nature: The Ultimate Laboratory. In Laboratorium: The Theatre of Proof. DuMont Buchverlag, Amsterdam.
- 2000 Local strategies for coping with droughts in Kenya: constraints and opportunities. African Centre for Technological Studies. Policy Insights 2000 2 (1): 1-4.
- 2001 Human-dominated ecosystems and future evolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98 (10): 5458-5465.
- 2001 Taking the broader view of conservation. Oryx 35 (3): 201-203.
- 2002 In the Dust of Kilimanjaro. Second Edition. Revised with a new afterward. Shearwater Press.
- 2003 Western, D. Conservation science in Africa and the role of international collaboration. Conservation Biology. 17 (1): 1-10.
- 2004 Western D. and Nightingale, D. Environmental change on the vulnerability of pastoralists to drought: The Maasai in Amboseli, Kenya. In Africa Environmental Outlook: Human Vulnerability to Environmental Change. Earthprint on behalf of the United Nations Environmental Program. London.
- 2004 Western D. and Maitumo, D. Woodland loss and restoration in a savanna park: a 20-year experiment. African Journal of Ecology 42: 111-121.
- 2004 The challenge of integrated rangeland monitoring: synthesis address. African Journal of Range and Forage Science 21 (2): 61-68.
- 2004 Managing the wilds: should stewards be pilots? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. November issue.
- 2005 Western, D. and Waithaka, J. Policies for reducing human-wildlife conflict. A Kenya case study and general implications. In People and Wildlife: Conflict or Coexistence (eds. R. Woodroffe, S. Thirgood and A. Rabinowitz). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
- 2005 Reflections of a conservationist in a changing world. In Natural Resources as Community Assets: Lessons from Two Continents, 259-271. Editors Brian Child and Martha West Lyman. Sand County Foundation and the Aspen Institute, Atwood, Wisconsin.
- 2005 The ecology and changes of the Amboseli ecosystem: recommendations for planning and conservation. Kenya Wildlife Service Ecosystem Planning, 1-53.
- 2005 Western, D. and Nightingale, D. Keeping the East African rangelands open and productive. An exchange of ideas between East Africa and the American West. Conservation and People. Issue 1. African Conservation Centre, Nairobi.
- 2006 A half a century of habitat change in Amboseli National Park, Kenya. African Journal of Ecology 45 (3) 302-310.
- 2006 Manzolillo Nightingale, D. L. and Western, D. The Future of the Open Rangelands. African Centre for Technological Studies Press, Nairobi. Pages 67.
- 2007 Western, D., Russell, S. Mutu, K. The status of wildlife in Kenya’s protected and non-protected areas. Proceedings of the workshop on Kenya’s Wildlife Policy and Legislation Review. Kenya Wildlife Service, Nairobi.
- 2007 Morris, D. L., Western, D. and Maitumo, D. Pastoralist’s livestock and settlement influence game bird diversity and abundance in a savanna ecosystem of southern Kenya. African Journal of Ecology. 47: 48-55.
- 2008 Curtin, C. and Western, D. Grasslands, people and conservation: over-the-horizon learning exchanges between African and American pastoralists. Journal of Conservation Biology.
- 2008 Muchiru, A., Western, D. and Reid, R. The role of abandoned pastoral settlements in the dynamics of African large herbivore communities. Journal of Arid Environments 72: 940-952
- 2009 Muchiru, A. Western, D. and Reid, R. The impact of abandoned settlements on plant and nutrient succession in an African savanna ecosystem. Journal of Arid Environments. 72: 322-331.
- 2009 Rethinking wildlife: bridging the conservation divide. In Reconceptualizing Wildlife Conservation. Ed. Toshio Meguro. African Centre for Technological Studies. Nairobi.
- 2009 Ecotourism, conservation and development in East Africa: how the philanthropic traveler can make a difference. Proceedings of the Traveler’s Philanthropy Symposium. Arusha, Tanzania.
- 2009 Western D and Behrensmeyer. K.A. Bone assemblage tracks community structure over 40-years in an African savanna ecosystem. Science. 234: 1061-1064.
- 2009 Western, D., Russell, S. and Cuthill, I. The Status of protected areas compared to non-protected areas of Kenya. PLoS One. 4 (7): 1-6.
- 2009 The Future of Maasailand, its People and Wildlife. In Staying Maasai. Livelihoods, Conservation and Development in East African Rangelands. Editors K. Holmewood, P. Kristjanson and P. Trench. Springer, New York.
- 2009 Western, D Groom, R and Worden, J. The impact of land subdivision and sedentarization of pastoralist on wildlife in an African savanna ecosystem. Biological Conservation 142: 2538-2546.
- 2010 People, elephants and habitat change in Amboseli National Park: A century of change detected by repeat photography. In Repeat Photography: Methods and Applications in the Geological and Ecological Sciences. Ed. R.H. Webb, Boyer, D.E. and Turner, R.M. Island Press, Washington, D.C.
- 2010 Conservation of Art and Species. In Coping with the Past. Creative Perspectives on Conservation and Restoration. Edited Pasquale Gagliardi, Bruno Latour and Pedro Memelsdorf. Leo Olschki. Furenzi. Italy.
- 2010. Conservation in an age of climate change. Swara: 1. 24-25.
- 2010. The Worst Drought: Tipping Point or Turning Point? Swara: 2: 16-20.
- 2010 Western D. et al. Towards a National Conservation Framework. Policy Recommendations of the Conference on Biodiversity, Land Use and Climate Change. African Center for Technological Studies, Nairobi.
- 2011. Ahlering, M.A., Millspaugh, J.J., Woods, R.J., Western, D. and Eggert, L.S. Elevated levels of stress hormones detected in crop-raiding male elephants. Animal Conservation 14 (2) 124-130.
- 2011. Dunne, T., Western, D. and Dietrich, W. The effects of cattle trampling on vegetation, infiltration and erosion in rangelands in southern Kenya. Journal of Arid Environments. 75: 58-69.
- 2011 Size, Life History and Ecology. Rerprinted as a foundation paper in Foundations of Macroecological Theory.
- 2011 Better grazing practices hold key to Kenya drought. SciDev.Net. 5 August.
- 2011. Traveller’s philanthropy and the Good Samaritan. Traveller’s Philanthropy Handbook. Edited Martha Honey. Center for Responsible Travel, Washington DC.
- 2012 Western, D., Bandheri, P. and Sekalleriadis, A. Conserving elephants in the Tanzania-Kenya borderlands: Forging a collaborative approach. African Conservation Centre, Nairobi
- 2012 Sunstrom, S, Tynon, J. and Western, D. Rangeland privatization and the Maasai experience: Social capital and the implications for traditional resource management in southern Kenya. Society and Natural Resources. 2(5).
- 2012 Mose, V.N., Nguyen-Huu, T., Auger, P., Western, D., 2012. Modelling herbivore population dynamics in Amboseli National Park, Kenya. Ecological Complexity 10: 42-51.
- 2012 Ahlering, M. A., J. E. Maldonado, R. C. Fleischer, D. Western, and L. S. Eggert. Fine-scale group structure and demography of African savannah elephants recolonizing lands outside protected areas. Diversity and Distributions18: 1-10.
- 2012 Ahlering, M.A., Eggert, L.S., Western. D., Estes, A., Munishi. L., Fleischer, R., Roberts, M., and Maldonado, J.E. Identifying source populations and genetic structure for savannah elephants in human-dominated landscapes and protected areas in the Kenya-Tanzania borderlands. PLoS One 7 (12) :1-9.
- 2013 Ahlering, M.A., J.E. Maldonado, L.S. Eggert, R.C. Fleischer, D. Western and J. Brown. Conservation outside protected areas and the effect of human-dominated landscapes on stress hormones in savannah elephants. Conservation Biology 27: 569–575.
- 2013. Ecotourism: from small beginnings to global influence. In Sustainable Tourism and the Millennium Development Goals, eds. Kelly S. Bricker, Rosemary Black and Stuart Cottrell. The International Ecotourism Society, Washington, D.C.
- 2013 Mose, V. N., Nguyen-Huu, T., Western, D., Auger, P., Nyandwi, C. Modelling the dynamics of migrations for large herbivore populations in the Amboseli National Park, Kenya. Ecological Modelling 254: 43-49.
- 2013 Groom, R.J. and Western, D. The impact of land subdivision and sedentarization on wildlife. In Kenya’s southern Rangelands. Rangeland Ecology and Management 66(1): 1-9.
- 2013 Johnston, M.J., Western, D. and Jackson, R. Mapping biological processes to the appropriate spatial modeling tools. In Conservation Planning: Shaping the Future. Edited F. L. Craighead and C.L. Convis. ESRI Press, Redlands, California.
- 2014 Western, D., Nightingale, D. and Bandheri, P. Community-based Natural Resource Management. Creating and Enabling Policy Environment in Kenya. African Centre for Technological Studies, Nairobi.
- 2015 Elephants and ecological cascades. Book Review of Elephants and Savanna Woodland Ecosystems. C, Skarpe et al. 2014. Ecology 96(1): 309-310.
- 2015. Western, D., Waithaka, J. and Kamanga J. 2015. Finding space for wildlife beyond national parks and reducing conflict through community-based conservation: the Kenya experience. Parks 21.1: 51-62.
- 2015. Western, D., Mose, V., Maitumo, D. and Worden, J. Predicting extreme droughts in Africa: a comparison of proxy and direct measures in detecting biomass fluctuations, trends and their causes. PLoS One.
- 2015. Chief writer and editor. Kenya’s Natural Capital: A Biodiversity Atlas. To be launched October 2015.
Selected Publications
The following are a few of the 100 plus most recent articles produced by the Amboseli Conservation Program (ACP).
New publications will be posted regularly.
- WESTERN, D. & FINCH, V. A. (1986) Drought, Cattle and Pastoralism: Survival and Production in Arid Lands. Human Ecology, 14, 77-94.
- WESTERN, D. & PEARL, M. (1989) Conservation for the Twenty-first Century, Oxford University Press, New York.
- WESTERN, D. & GICHOHI, H. (1993) Segregation Effects and the Impoverishment of Savanna Parks: The Case for an Ecosystem Viability Analysis. African Journal of Ecology, 31, 269-281.
- WESTERN, D., WRIGHT, M. & STRUM, S. C. (1994) Natural Connections: Perspectives in Community-based Conservation, Island Press, Washington DC.
- WESTERN, D. (2000) What can we do to ease life for pastoral nomads? Daily Nation Newspaper, 1 July 2000.
- WESTERN, D. (2003) Conservation Science in Africa and the Role of International Collaboration. Conservation Biology, 17, 1-10.
- WESTERN, D. (2004a) The Challenge of Integrated Rangeland Monitoring: Synthesis address. African Journal of Range and Forage Science, 21, 61-68.
- WESTERN, D. (2004b) Managing the Wilds: Should Stewards be Pilots? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment- Forum, 2, 495-496.
- WESTERN, D. & MAITUMO, D. (2004) Woodland Loss and Restoration in a Savanna Park: A 20-year Experiment. African Journal of Ecology, 42, 111-121.
- WESTERN, D. & NIGHTINGALE, D. (2004) Environmental Change and the Vulnerability of Pastoralists to Drought: The Maasai in Amboseli, Kenya, Earthprint (on Behalf of) United Nations Environmental Program, London.
- WESTERN, D. (2005) The Ecology and Changes of the Amboseli Ecosystem – Recommendations for Planning and Conservation, Unpublished Report submitted to the Science and Planning Committee of the Amboseli Task Force.
- WESTERN, D. (2009) 2009 Drought: Special Insight, Daily Nation Newspaper, Horizon Supplement, 1 October 2009.
- WESTERN, D. & BEHRENSMEYER, A. K. (2009) Bone Assemblages Track Animal Community Structure over 40 Years in an African Savanna Ecosystem, Science, Vol. 324. no. 5930, pp. 106 – 1064.
- WESTERN, D, GROOM, R. & WORDEN, J. (2009) The Impact of Sedentarization and Subdivision of Pastoral Lands in an African Savanna Ecosystem, Biological Conservation, 142, 2538-2546.
- WESTERN, D., RUSSELL, S. & CUTHILL, I. (2009) The Status of Wildlife in Protected Areas Compared to Non-Protected Areas in Kenya, PloS One, 4: e6140. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0006140.
- 2009 Western, D. Rethinking wildlife: bridging the conservation divide. In Reconceptualizing Wildlife Conservation. Ed. Toshio Meguro. African Centre for Technological Studies. Nairobi.
- 2009 Western, D. Ecotourism, conservation and development in East Africa: How the Philanthropic Traveler can make a difference. Proceedings of the Traveler’s Philanthropy Symposium. Arusha, Tanzania.
- 2009 Western D and Behrensmeyer. K.A. Bone assemblage tracks community structure over 40-years in an African savanna ecosystem. Science. 234: 1061-1064.
- 2009 Western, D., Russell, S. and Cuthill, I. The Status of protected areas compared to non-protected areas of Kenya. PLoS One. 4 (7): 1-6.
- 2009 Western, D. The Future of Maasailand, its People and Wildlife. In Staying Maasai. Livelihoods, Conservation and Development in East African Rangelands. Editors K. Holmewood, P. Kristjanson and P. Trench. Springer, New York.
- 2009 Western, D Groom, R and Worden, J. The impact of land subdivision and sedentarization of pastoralist on wildlife in an African savanna ecosystem. Biological Conservation 142: 2538-2546.
- 2010 Western, D. People, elephants and habitat in a Amboseli National Park: A century of change detected by repeat photography. In Repeat Photography: Methods and Applications in the Geological and Ecological Sciences. Ed. R.H. Webb, Boyer, D.E. and Turner, R.M. Island Press, Washington, D.C.
- 2010 Western, D. Conservation of Art and Species. In Coping with the Past. Creative Perspectives on Conservation and Restoration. Edited Pasquale Gagliardi, Bruno Latour and Pedro Memelsdorf. Leo Olschki. Furenzi. Italy.
- 2010 Western, D. Conservation in an age of climate change. Swara: 1. 24-25.
- 2010 Western, D. The Worst Drought: Tipping Point or Turning Point. Swara: 2.16-20.
- 2010 Western et al. Towards a National Conservation Framework. Policy Recommendations of the Conference on Biodiversity, Land Use and Climate Change. African Center for Tenchological Studies, Nairobi.
- 2011 Ahlering, M.A., Millspaugh, J.J., Woods, R.J., Western, D. and Eggert, L.S. 2009. Elevated levels of stress hormones detected in crop-raiding male elephants. Animal Conservation 14 (2) 124-130.
- 2011 Dunne, T., Western, D. and Dietrich, W. The effects of cattle trampling on vegetation, infiltration and erosion in rangelands in southern Kenya. Journal of Arid Environments. 75: 58-69.
- 2012 Sunstrom, S, Tynon, J. and Western, D. Rangeland privatization and the Maasai experience: Social capital and the implications for traditional resource management in southern Kenya. Society and Natural Resources. 2(5).
- 2012 Mose, V.N., Nguyen-HUU, T., Auger, P., Western, D., 2012. Modelling herbivore population dynamics In Amboseli National Park, Kenya. Ecological Complexity 10:42-51.
- 2012 Ahlering, M. A., J. E. Maldonado, R. C. Fleischer, D. Western, and L. S. Eggert. Fine-scale group structure and demography of African savannah elephants recolonizing lands outside protected areas. Diversity and Distributions 18:1-10.
- 2012 Ahlering, M.A., Eggert, L.S., Western. D., Estes, A., Munishi. L., Fleischer, R., Roberts, M., and Maldonado, J.E. Identifying source populations and genetic structure for savannah elephants in human-dominated landscapes and protected areas in the Kenya-Tanzania borderlands. PLoS ONE 7 (12):1-9).
- 2013 Mose V. N., Nguyen-Huu, T., Western, D., Auger, P., Nyandwi, C. Modelling the dynamics of migrations for large herbivore populations in the Amboseli National Park, Kenya. Ecological Modelling (254) 43-49.